The derivative approximation of modified Hermite interpolation on the weighted Lp norm 修改的Hermite插值算子在加权Lp范数下的导数逼近
A kind of Hermite interpolation on the sphere 关于球面上的一种Hermite插值
The Application of Hermite Interpolation In the FIRA Simulation Game Hermite插值在FIRA仿真比赛中的应用
Attitude Algorithm of Gyroscope-free Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Using Hermite Interpolation 基于Hermite插值的无陀螺惯导姿态解算方法
A verifiable Multiple Secrets Sharing Scheme Based on Hermite interpolation polynomial 基于Hermite插值多项式的可验证多秘密共享方案
Research on the Method of Path Planning for Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on Quintic Hermite Interpolation 基于五次Hermite插值的移动机器人路径规划方法研究
Lagrange Interpolation and Hermite Interpolation Along the Algebraic Manifold 代数流形上的Lagrange插值和Hermite插值
Harmonics and reactive power measurement based on Hermite interpolation synchronization algorithm 基于Hermite插值同步化算法的电网谐波与无功测量方法
Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation Function and Its Application to Hydrology 分段三次Hermite插值在水文上的应用
A Hilbert transform representation of Hermite interpolation and its error Hermite插值算子及其误差的Hilbert变换表示
Hermite interpolation function and Galerkin method are adopted to decentralize the equation. 采用Hermite插值函数和Galerkin法离散得到其有限元的标准形式。
Using complex analysis and curve integration, the construction of PH quintic which satisfies Hermite interpolation conditions is studied in this paper and its corresponding B é zier representation is derived. 应用复分析和曲线积分方法研究了满足Hermite插值的五次PH曲线的构造,导出了其相应的Bézier表示。
First, we introduce the definition of Full Hermite interpolation and the Vandermonde matrix, and two lemmas which are most important for solving the problem. 首先介绍了完全Hermite插值问题和有重Vandermonde矩阵的定义,并介绍了两个重要的引理。这两个引理对解决本文的问题是十分重要的。
In this paper, the convergence order of some Hermite interpolation, processes is considered. 本文给出了一些Hermite插值过程的收敛阶。
Convexity Analysis for Cubic Hermite Interpolation 三次Hermite插值的凸性分析
In this paper, the least square problem of Hermite interpolation is discussed Its normal system of equations is derived and the existance and uniqueness of least square solution is proved. 本文讨论埃尔米特插值的最小二乘问题,导出了此问题的正规方程组,证明了埃尔米特插值的最小二乘解的存在唯一性。
In theory of approximations, the classic methods of polynomial approximation for rational expression are various interpolations and operator approximations, such as Lagrange interpolation, Hermite interpolation and Bernstein polynomial approximation. 在逼近论中,用多项式逼近有理式的经典的方法是各种插值与算子逼近方法,如Lagrange插值、Hermite插值和Bernstein多项式逼近等。
A fast algorithm based on Hermite interpolation polynomial for reconstructing signal from its wavelet transform maxima was proposed. 论文提出了一种基于Hermite插值多项式由二进小波变换模极大值重构信号的快速算法。
For comparison, based on the principle of Hermite interpolation, we can obtain each parameter of the formula. 又设定子午线弧长反解公式的形式,利用Hermite插值原理得出各参数。
By using the Hermite interpolation, the Galerkin method was adopted to discretize the motion equation. 用Hermite插值函数和Galerkin法离散运动方程建立海洋立管动力运动的有限元模型。
A Modified Hermite Interpolation Polynomial 关于一个修正型的Hermite插值多项式
In this paper, the convergence properties and order approximating to the continuous function by higher order Hermite interpolation on the basis of Jacobi nodes and disturbed Chebyshev nodes are studied. 研究了基于Jacobi结点系和扰动Chebyshev结点系的高阶Hermite插值多项式对连续函数的一致收敛性及其逼近阶。
The characteristic of this algorithm is described by finite difference analysis. A set of formulas on linear high order Lagrange interpolation and Hermite interpolation is shown, then iterative step reduced calculating is proposed. 通过有限差分分析说明了算法的特性,并基于线性、高阶拉格朗日插值、埃米特插值给出了一族算法公式。接着又给出了减小计算量的迭代步骤。
In the research, we adopt two different interpolation methods: two-dimensional linear interpolation method and two-dimensional cubic Hermite interpolation method. 研究中,我们采用了两种不同的插值方法。
At last the error estimation of rational quadratic Hermite interpolation spline is given, and a necessary and sufficient condition is derived for the interpolating curves to be convex in the interpolating intervals. 并给出了这种有理插值样条的一种误差估计。最后得到了它在插值区间保持凸性的充分必要条件。
Two-dimensional cubic Hermite interpolation method realizes the continuity of the first derivative and makes the result smooth. 另一种方法是两维三次Hermite插值法,三次Hermite插值的优势在于它实现了插值结果一阶导数连续,使结果更加光滑。
In the theory of spline interpolations, there are generally two methods: Hermite interpolation and Lagrange interpolation. 在样条插值理论中,一般包含两类方法:Hermite插值和Lagrange插值。
This method is an extension of geometric Hermite interpolation. It allows for easy computation and local modifications. 该方法可以看作几何Hermite插值方法的补充,计算简单,可作局部修改。
Algebraic interpolation mainly composes of cubic interpolation and piecewise Hermite interpolation, and their interpolation formula and errors are introduced. 其中,代数插值采用了三次样条插值和分段Hermite插值,分别介绍了它们的插值公式的构造方法和插值误差估计的表达式。
Regarding the B-spline basis function, has given based on the Hermite interpolation thought structure method. 对于B-样条基函数,给出了基于Hermite插值思想的构造方法。